Help with weight loss

Do you want some help with losing weight if so Hampshire County Council have 2 ways to help you including a new on-line service.

Use POWeR to help you lose weight – new free online tool launched

A new, easy to use online tool has been launched in Hampshire to help anyone struggling to shift the pounds.

POWeR has been developed by experts at Southampton University and Hampshire County Council is now making this available, free of charge to Hampshire adults with a BMI 25+.

During trials, POWeR helped a number of people to lose weight. It enables you to become your own personal health coach, providing new tools to use each week. It supports you to work out which of these tools fit with your lifestyle and helps you to build healthy eating and physical activity into your routine. This means that you not only lose weight, but maintain a healthy weight going forward.

Anyone over the age of 18 can access POWeR for 12 months once they have registered for the programme. This is easy and quick to do by visiting the POWeR website.

In addition to POWeR, Hampshire County Council offers a 12 week free Weight Watchers programme to any adult with a Body Mass Index of 30+.

Work out your BMI using NHS Choices BMI checker